Visit Visa for Indonesia

In Indonesia, there are many kinds of visas, one of them is Visit Visa. Visit Visa is a visa provide to foreigners who are visiting Indonesia to carry out their activities. In general, the visit visa is divided into 4 as follows:

1. Single Entry

Visa for Single Entry, used for activities Tourism, Family Visit, Government/Official Visit, Sociocultural Activity such as Sport, Short Study, Internship, Short Course/Training/Seminar, Lecture, Business Meeting, Humanitarian Activity, Joining Vessel, Transit. In addition, the maximum stays permitted for this visa is 60 days.

2. Single Entry for Technology and industrial sector

This Visa used for Lecturer in the field of Innovation of Industrial Technology, Company Audit, Factory/Industrial Visit/Inspection, Migrant Worker Trial. The maximum stays permitted for this visa is 60 days.

3. Single Entry for Film and Journalism

This Visa used for media, film, and journalism. The maximum stays permitted for this visa is 60 days.

4. Multiple Entry

Visa for Multiple Entry used for Family Visit, Business Visit, Government/Official Visit. The maximum stays permitted for this visa is 5 years.

Read more: Visa Services : rules and requirements

A man preparing to travel

This day, the visa requirements in Indonesia are not as complicated as before. Although this may be true, the procedures for processing visas can be complicated and time-consuming. In this case, we want to help you to describe which is the best visa for you to use. Even if you are just going on a holiday or do some business in Indonesia. Not only helping you to decide your visa but also we can help you process your Visa more efficiently, especially the paperwork. Therefore, if you need assistance and more information feel free to contact us anytime. For more news click here.


The information provided here is based on our long experience. The process or requirement may vary depending on the specific facts and conditions. Besides, the law and regulations in Indonesia subject to frequent changes. Please contact us as your consultant to get an up to date information and accurate advice. More Information click here and You can also follow our social media accounts to see the latest information posts. please click on the following links: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter.

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