Visa on Arrival


Based on Regulation of Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 26, 2013, a citizen from 61 countries and 1 region are eligible for obtaining Visa on Arrival or in other words VOA. It has been the main visa, most tourists have used in the last decades to enter Indonesia.

The VOA can be obtained directly when you are landed at certain airports and seaports in Indonesia regardless of the purpose of your visits (Business, Tourist, Social). The Visa on Arrival is not a work visa nor a visitation visa. Therefore, it can not be converted to obtain other immigration permits. In addition, the maximum stays permitted for the visa on arrival is 30 days. If you plan to stay longer than 30 days, you need to mention your intention to stay longer. Visa on Arrival can be extended for another 30 days.


Duration of stay:  Maximum 60 days
(can be extended 4 times at most, each extension granted not more than 30 days)

Visa on Arrival is for a foreigner to visit Indonesia for non-work purposes that cover all aspects that includes, but not limited to:

  1. Transit; holiday/tourism; visiting family/relatives; social, art and cultural; official government visit; non-commercial sports activities; benchmarking; short courses; comparative studies; short training; working for very urgent matters and circumstances; business meeting; buying goods or products; participating on international exhibition; giving lectures or attending seminars; meeting held by head office or branch office in Indonesia; crew joining a vessel.

If you are planning to make Single-Entry Visitor Visa. You have to prepare the following documents :

  1. A valid original passport that is still valid for a minimum of 6 (six) months.
  2. Return ticket or continuous ticket to continue the trip to another country except for the crew of transportation equipment who will stop by to join their ship and continue their journey to another country.
  3. In certain cases, a visit visa application upon arrival can also be submitted by a foreigner who is not from a certain country because there is no Indonesian representative in his country or a sudden or urgent activity after obtaining the approval of the appointed minister or immigration official after attaching the requirements.
  4. Letter of request from the government or private institution and also.
  5. Letter of approval from the Minister or appointed Immigration Officer.


The list of accepted countries, such as :

No  CountryNo  Country
1  Algeria32  Liechtenstein
2  Argentina33  Lithuania
3  Australia34  Luxembourg
4  Austria35  Maldives
5  Bahrain36  Malta
6  Belgium37  Mexico
7  Brazil38  Monaco
8  Bulgaria39  New Zealand
9  Canada40  Netherlands
10  China41  Norway
11  The Czech Republic42  Oman
12  Cyprus43  Panama
13  Denmark44  Poland
14  East Timor45  Portugal 
15  Egypt46  Qatar
16  Estonia47  Romania
17  Fiji48  Russia
18  Finland49  Saudi Arabia
19  France50  Slovakia
20  Germany51  Slovenia 
21  Greece52  South Africa 
22  Hungary53  Spain
23  Iceland54  Suriname
24  India55  Sweden
25  Ireland56  Switzerland
26  Italy57  Tunisia
27  Japan58  The United Kingdom
28  The Republic of Korea59  Turkey
29  Kuwait60  The United States of America
30  Latvia61  Taiwan 
31  Libya62  The United Arab Emirates 


The information provided here is based on our long experience. The process or requirement may vary depending on the specific facts and conditions. Besides, the law and regulations in Indonesia subject to frequent changes. Please contact us as your consultant to get an up to date information and accurate advice. More Information click here and You can also follow our social media accounts to see the latest information posts. please click on the following links: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter.

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