Permits or Licenses Issued by OSS System

Permits or Licenses Issued by OSS System

1. Location Permit (Izin Lokasi)

OSS will issue a Location Permit for the company if the company has submitted the location permit such as Building Construction Permit (IMB) or any other location permits related from the local government.

2. Environmental Permit (Izin Lingkungan) 

Environmental Permit that is issued from OSS will be related to the environmental permits that the company has obtained from the local governments. It can be AMDAL (Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan), UKL-UPL (Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dan Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup) or SPPL (Surat Pernyataan Pengelolaan Lingkungan).

3. Business License (Izin Usaha)

Business License from OSS is a permit to start a business and or activities until before the conduct of commercial or operational. There are two types of business licenses from OSS that would be given to the company; (1) the business license that has not effective yet, and (2) the business license that has been effective. Although both types of these business licenses are allowed, however, there is a slight difference in the advantages given to the business license holders that have not been effective yet and the business license that has been effective, it is related to the use of this permits in the company’s operational processes. Nevertheless, in the end, all business license needs to be effective to get a full advantage from governments related.

In order to obtain an effective Business License, the businessmen should meet the requirements or commitments related to their business. The commitments may differ for each company according to the business field, however, there are some basic commitments, such as:

  1. Building Construction Permit (IMB);
  2. Environmental Permits (can be UKL or UPL, AMDAL or SPPL in accordance to the business field);
  3. Location permit;
  4. Other permits according to the business field.

4. Commercial Permit (Izin Komersil)

Commercial Permit is a permit issued by OSS after businessmen get the Business Permit and the purpose is to conduct commercial activities or operational by fulfilling the requirements and or commitments.

Furthermore to continue the information of the permits on OSS, apparently, each permit that issued by OSS will have status effective or in-effective (especially business license and commercial permit). If the permit’s status has been effective, then such permits have finished being processed. However, if the permit’s status has not been effective yet, then we have to fulfill the commitment to make it effective.

The OSS system determines automatically what commitments must be fulfilled to make the in-effective permit to be effective according to the current regulation. Once the permit from OSS has been effective, it will be valid as long as the company operating and as long as it is not otherwise determined by Indonesian Law. The fulfillment of the commitment in each permit will be considered based on the business activity of the company, and the local regulation of the region.

Indo-Ned Consultancy is one of a business consultant in Indonesia that provide service for your need in regard to all permits through OSS System. Our team will always able to help each of your business processes. Our team always provides the latest regulations that apply in Indonesia so that you will feel comfortable when doing business in Indonesia. We always give the best advice and solutions for your business in Indonesia and we will guide you to set up your company in Indonesia. If you need assistance and more information feel free to contact us anytime.


The information provided here is based on our long experience. The process or requirement may vary depending on the specific facts and conditions. Besides, the law and regulations in Indonesia subject to frequent changes. Please contact us as your consultant to get an up to date information and accurate advice. More Information click here and You can also follow our social media accounts to see the latest information posts. please click on the following links: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter.

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