Building Permit (IMB)

Building Permit (IMB)

For a place of your business in Indonesia, the conditions given are different from the arrangement of a Building Permit (IMB) for a residence. This rule refers to Government Regulation concerning Building. IMB is very important, it is the government approval to build a building in Indonesia when you want to set up a company in Indonesia and start doing business in Indonesia.

Izin Mendirikan Bangunan is the Indonesian name for IMB. Also, as mentioned, IMB is a permit to establish a building. To be more exact, IMB is a building registration document and it tells you the purpose of a building. In other words, how a building can be used in accordance with the applicable law. IMB is most often used for residential and commercial purposes.

In addition to the Land Certificate, IMB is the most important permit when it comes to properties in Bali. It is not only used for constructing the building at the beginning, but it is also utilised throughout the entire period of the building.

All Buildings in Bali are Required to Secure IMB

In accordance with Indonesia law, all buildings in Bali must secure IMB. It is the responsibility of the building’s owner to do that. As such, if you rent a building, it is your landlord’s responsibility to obtain an IMB. But, if you are the owner, then the responsibility will fall on you.

You will face problems if you buy or rent a building without an IMB. In addition, a building that is used for a purpose that is different from what is stated on the IMB is illegal as well. Hence, you need to be extra careful to make sure the exact use matches the written purpose on IMB.

Town planning and land zoning (also called spatial planning) are required in Bali throughout the entire island. A guideline known as the Province Regional Spatial Plan, or Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi (RTRWP) shows how lands are required to be used in Bali.

The goal of spatial planning is to create towns and cities that are livable. Under the master document RTRWP as mentioned earlier, lands are allocated for specific purposes only and the types of property built on the land are controlled.

So, IMB comes into play, for sure, in spatial planning. The first stage of acquiring an IMB requires you to check the land zoning of the land. This is to ensure that under the town planning regulation, the purpose of land use is permitted in the particular zone.

Don’t try to forgot the IMB process. What is more, you are encouraged to go through the IMB process with a professional. Failure to obtain an IMB will not only bring you serious legal complications, but it will also threaten the safety and quality of living of the people in Bali.


The information provided here is based on our long experience. The process or requirement may vary depending on the specific facts and conditions. Besides, the law and regulations in Indonesia subject to frequent changes. Please contact us as your consultant to get an up to date information and accurate advice. More Information click here and You can also follow our social media accounts to see the latest information posts. please click on the following links: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter.

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