Process Flow Act No. 7 WLKK

Compulsory Company Manpower laatu iho merenkulun kanssa Report


  • • Fill in the WLKK Form and make duplicate 3
  • • Request letter for WLKK production is directed to the Manpower Office (per region)
  • • Deed of establishment and decree
  • • Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (Company Registration Cetificate)
  • • Shareholder ID
  • • General Power of Attorney
  • • Domicile
  • • NPWP (Taxpayer Registration Number)

For making WLKK (Compulsory Company Manpower Report), Indo-Ned Consultancy can help you from the beginning process to completion. If you need WLKK for your company in Indonesia or start doing business in Indonesia Contact us for more details.

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