Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing (RPTKA)

Foreign Worker Recruitment Permits

Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing (RPTKA) is permission that local and foreign investment corporations must pass through first if they want to employ foreign workers.


  • • Application Letter of RPTKA enclosed by letterhead and company stamp
  • • Copy The identity of the guarantor
  • • Legal of Company (AKTA and SK of establishment and amendment, TDP, Domicile, NPWP, SIUP, Permit principle)
  • • Power of Attorney
  • • Identity of TKA (copy passport, diploma, CV)
  • • WLKK, the last 3 months of corporate bank statement
  • • Letter of Work Experience for positions other than directors and commissioners

If you want to hire a foreign employee for your company in Indonesia or start doing business in Indonesia Contact us for more details.

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