Operational Permit Business

Indo-Ned Consultancy will be happy to assist you in Operational Permit Business in Indonesia. You don’t need to feel burdened with Operational Permit Business matters for a company. Therefore, here are some of our services regarding Operational Permit Business:

The Health Insurance or BPJS Kesehatan

The insurance for health (BPJS Kesehatan) is a government program that publishes in December 2013. In Presidential Regulation No.111 of 2013 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation No.12 of 2013 concerning Health Insurance, there are provisions regarding BPJS Kesehatan for employees. For furthermore explanation regarding The Health Insurance or BPJS Kesehatan, Click to Read more

The Manpower Insurance or BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

The Manpower Insurance or BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is an insurance that provides programs with the aim of protecting all workers in Indonesia. Whether it is formal workers or informal workers. For furthermore explanation regarding The Manpower Insurance or BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Click to Read more


The information provided here is based on our long experience. The process or requirement may vary depending on the specific facts and conditions. Besides, the law and regulations in Indonesia subject to frequent changes. Please contact us as your consultant to get an up to date information and accurate advice. More Information click here and You can also follow our social media accounts to see the latest information posts. please click on the following links: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter.

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