Land in Indonesia

The “Indonesian Maju” Cabinet under President Jokowi, has plans to support the acquisition of Indonesian foreign exchange from the tourism sector with the development of five Super Priority Destinations “New Bali”, namely Lake Toba, Borobudur Temple, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo, and Likupang. With the plan above, the effectiveness of tourism areas or land outside Bali becomes maximum, thus Indonesia’s tourism center is not only Bali but developed overall in Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia’s tourism competitiveness increased from 42 to 40 in 2019 from the previous year in the World Economic Forum (WEF) report titled “The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019”.

Beside the development plan above, Indonesia itself is well known for its charm and other diversity e.g. culture, language, tribe and others, so that those mutually supportive factors certainly benefit the parties engaged in the field of tourism and also attract the foreign and domestic investors to start doing business in Indonesia.

Land in Indonesia

Investors can start their business in Indonesia by establishing a company and owning a plot of land for the business. Land is one of the supporting factor that helps the life of all living creatures on earth and one of the most useful assets for the future. The need for land year after year is increasing in line with the population and other needs related to land for example the land that needed for development in tourism such as villas, hotels, restaurants, and others. While, in fact, the land availability is still unable to increase. So that it can be concluded land has high investment value.

However, not all rights of land in Indonesia can be owned by foreigner. In order to support Indonesia’s domestic economic growth and attract private foreign investors within the land and property sector, the governments set new requirements and procedures to allow foreigner to own land and property. To assist businessman in understanding the land and property ownership, Indoned Consultancy provides a service in regard to Land and Property Ownership.

Foreigner who interest of Indonesian exoticism and natural beauty, can start to lease a land or property for living or doing business in Indonesia. You can be the Leasehold or Lessor of land and/or property in Indonesia. Other than that, one of the ways for foreigners to own or release a certain rights of land is by buying and selling. Therefore, buying and selling is done by making Deed of Sale and Purchase in PPAT. In order to process owning the right of land, Indoned Consultancy will be gland to assist you.

Moreover, the important factor when you owning a land and or building is the tax. Land and Building Tax called PBB (Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan), PBB is a levy on land and building arising out of the advantage and/or social economic position of the person or entity that has a right to it or benefiting from it.

In order to protection and management of the environment and the important of land and property for living creature on earth, the government set up a regulation related to environmental permit called SPPL/UKL-UPL/AMDAL. The Environmental Permit will be based on the comparison of land area with buildings.

Indo-Ned Consultancy can assist you in the process of ownership of land rights in Indonesia, whether it is related to residence or for business. Indo-Ned Consultancy always give best advice and solution regard to your plan to doing business in Indonesia. Indo-Ned Consultancy is one of business consultant in Indonesia which provide various services as well. Our team will always able to help each of your business processes. Our team always provides the latest regulation that apply in Indonesia so that you will feel comfortable when doing business in Indonesia.


Important to realize that the information provided here is based on our long experience. In addition, the process or requirement may vary depending on the specific facts and conditions. Besides, the law and regulations in Indonesia subject to frequent changes. In that case, please contact us as your consultant to get an up to date information and accurate advice. For furthermore information click here. At the same time, you can also follow our social media accounts to see the latest information posts. Therefore, please click on the following links: FacebookInstagramLinkedin, and Twitter.

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