Land and Property
Indonesia is one of the most promising markets in developing countries in Asia. In this era of globalization, as a result, foreigners inevitably want to come to this country. Whether it is for investment or tourism purposes. Nowadays, foreigners can choose to invest in various types of sectors in Indonesia such as tourism, property, technology, and others.
Land and Property Tax in Indonesia
One of the most important elements if you owned land and building, is tax. Land and Property Tax System in Indonesia is referred to as Pajak Bumi and Bangunan or Land and Building Tax (Hereinafter called PBB). The PBB object is the land and or buildings meanwhile, the subject is a person or entity that actually has the right to the land, and or has the benefit from the land. In addition, they also owning, controlling, and or obtaining benefits from the building. Click to read more
Land and Property Ownership in Indonesia
The land and property in Indonesia are one of the largest sectors for investment opportunities in the first place. Important to realize that the basic regulation regarding land ownership is regulated in Act Number 5 the Year 1960 About Basic Regulation of Agrarian Principles (UUPA). Click to read more
Lease Land and Property in Indonesia
Foreigners who interest in Indonesian exoticism and natural beauty, can start to lease land or property for living or doing business in Indonesia. You can be the Leaseholder or Lessor of land and property in Indonesia. The Leasehold, it is actually regulated in the Act Number 5 Year 1960 About Basic Regulation of Agrarian Principles (hereinafter called UUPA). Click to read more
Buy and Sale Land or Property in Indonesia
The foreigner that desires to start a business or just to live in Indonesia, the land and building is one of the necessary primary needs. The land it self is a basic necessity to build a place of business or residence. In Indonesia, land with the Freehold title can only be owned by Indonesian citizens, thus, it is impossible for foreigners to have land with Freehold title. Regarding the other land rights that can be owned by the company are the rights of exploitation, rights of use, and leasehold. Indoned Consultancy provides more information about it. Here glance information regarding Buy and Sale Land or Property in Indonesia.
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The information provided here is based on our long experience. The process or requirement may vary depending on the specific facts and conditions. Besides, the law and regulations in Indonesia subject to frequent changes. Please contact us as your consultant to get an up to date information and accurate advice. More Information click here and You can also follow our social media accounts to see the latest information posts. please click on the following links: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter.