Investment Strategy in The Covid-19 Period with Indoned Consultancy

The health and safety of our employees, valuable client, and visitor remain a top priority for us at the moment.

At this time, no visitors are permitted for visiting us without an appointment or we are requiring that all clients and visitors entering our offices cover their nose and mouth. You can do this with a scarf, a homemade cloth mask, or your own surgical mask.

We encourage client, visitors to remain closely connected to us through virtual means, including Skype, FaceTime, and or WhatsApp video call with our number: +62 821 6188-1767 or +62 821 4491-3470.

Business and Investment Strategy in The Covid-19 Period

How to make an investment strategy and do business in a pandemic? many people ask about the strategy, the initial steps to start a business, how to maintain company productivity, the administration, and others. The many problems that occur make us aware and concerned with this situation.

Here are some references that you can read to improve or make your company better :

Create and Manage Your Company

Business Entities and Company Registration in Indonesia.
Setting Up a Representative Office in Indonesia.
Dissolution of Companies in Indonesia.
Online Single Submission (OSS) System.

Make Your Trip Easier

Visit Visa in Indonesia.
Visa on Arrival.
Limited Stay Visa in Indonesia.
Permanent Stay Permit in Indonesia.

Manage Your Company’s Tax Reports

Personal Taxes in Indonesia.
Accounting and Corporate Tax.
Recruitment & Payroll System in Indonesia.
The LKPM Report in Indonesia.

Create Your Brand and Product

Food and Beverage Registration in Indonesia.
Brand and Product Registration.
Master List in Indonesia.
Export and Import in Indonesia.
How to Obtain Halal Certificate in Indonesia.

Start Investment on The Property

Land and Property Tax in Indonesia.
Land and Property Ownership in Indonesia.
Lease Land and Property in Indonesia.
Buy and Sale Land or Property in Indonesia.

Free Consultation

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