Business Guide in Indonesia

Establishing a new successful company starts with a plan of action. It’s important that you have enough knowledge about the Indonesian culture when you start your business in Indonesia.

It’s important that you ask yourself the following questions before you start:

  • What are your plans for starting a business in Indonesia?
  • How much do you want to spend on starting a company in Indonesia?
  • What stands out about Indonesia?
  • Do you have a right location for your company or business in Indonesia?
  • Did you know about the employee policy in Indonesia?
  • How much do you know about the Indonesian culture?
  • What do you know about the local companies in Indonesia?
  • Have you done research about the law and rules for companies in Indonesia?
  • Who can provide you with these things?
  • Do you make the right choice for your business in Indonesia?


More information?

We understand if you have more unanswered questions or even issues that need to be solved when you start doing business Indonesia or setting up company in Indonesia. Indo-Ned Consultancy is here to service and advise you before, during, and after setting your business in Indonesia. See our FAQ for more information or contact us.

Why to invest in Indonesia?

There can be many reasons why you’re interested in establishing or investing in Indonesia. Not only is Indonesia a beautiful country but the Indonesian labour market is very appealing.

How to start your business in Indonesia?

It’s not allowed for foreigners to start a company in Indonesia without a nominee or a PMA.

Do you want more information?

Do you have a question, comment or do you need some advice?