Building Permit
Building Permit – Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB)
For a place of your business in Indonesia, the conditions given are different from the arrangement of
a Building Permit (IMB) for a residence. This rule refers to Government Regulation concerning Building. IMB is very important, it is the government approval to build a building in Indonesia when you want to set up a company in Indonesia and start doing business in Indonesia.
The requirements and conditions for managing the IMB for businesses can vary between regions in Indonesia and depend on the building area and the designation of the building. Buildings that have IMB have advantages compared to those that do not have IMB, such as:
1. Buildings have a high selling value.
2. Bank Credit Guarantee.
3. Improving Land Status,
4. Information on Allotment and Road Plans.
To get an IMB it is necessary to submit a pile of documents that will include the following:
1. | A land certificate including the relevant survey plan. |
2. | An izin kavling (permit to subdivide) if one is needed. |
3. | Correct land zoning for the building that is planned. |
4. | Drawings of the buildings that comply with local building regulations. |
5. | Structural and services drawings to make sure that the buildings have been properly designed and specified. |
6. | Signed permission from all owners of directly neigbouring properties. |
If you don’t speak Bahasa Indonesia fluently, we suggest you to process this permit with trusted local people. But it is very important and very tricky for you to find trusted local people, you might get problems rather than solutions. Indo-Ned Consultancy understands what our clients need to do business in Indonesia or invest in Indonesia, so we are here to help you to buy or sell land and building legally for your business in Indonesia so you can avoid problems in the future when you set up a company in Indonesia and start doing business in Indonesia. We will explain everything clearly and transparently, because we really respect our clients’ trust.
The information provided here is based on our long experience. The process or requirement may vary depending on the specific facts and conditions. Besides, the law and regulations in Indonesia subject to frequent changes. Please contact us as your consultant to get an up to date information and accurate advice. More Information click here and You can also follow our social media accounts to see the latest information posts. please click on the following links: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter.